EU active persons and their family members residing in CZ

Last Updated: Saturday, 10 May 2008 05:10


Persons insured in other EU state on the basis of gainful activity residing in the territory of Czechia are entitled to the same approach and access to healthcare as Czech insured persons. The same entitlement concerns their non-active family members residing here.

The scope of healthcare is the same as for persons covered by Czech public health insurance scheme.


Registration in one of the Czech public health insurance companies is necessary for the above mentioned purpose.

Insured person must submit an entitlement document issued by the competent institution of the state of insurance (document S1, or E106) to be registered.  

Registering Czech health insurance company issues a national Certificate of registration or a yellow Card of a European insured person, residing in the Czech Republic. This national document includes a generated Czech insurance number and serves as a national entitlement document for submission to Czech healthcare providers.


Health insurance premiums have to be paid in accordance with the law of the state of gainful activity.

Reimbursement of costs

Czech health insurance scheme covers the costs of healthcare in the territory of Czechia and subsequently requests its reimbursement from the institution of the state of insurance.

Temporary stay in other EU state

When visiting other EU or EEA country or Switzerland the person or his/her non active family member is entitled to receive the necessary healthcare on the basis of European health insurance card (EHIC), issued by the institution of the state of insurance.