You are here: Home Planned health care in CZ Foreign citizen travelling to CZ Planned healthcare without a consent of HIF

Arrival without a consent of the health insurance fund

If you are travelling to the Czech Republic without consent of your health insurance fund:

  • It is always necessary to arrange the conditions of your healthcare and agree its price
  • The price that is charged by Czech healthcare provider has to be adequate and the same as for the Czech citizen paying for the health care.
  • The healthcare is provided under the same conditions, same rights and duties of a patient and a provider as in the case of a Czech citizen.
  • A payment receipt has to be issued

The provider has to issue a detailed statement of provided services


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Kancelář zdravotního pojištění, Praha 3, Žižkov, nám. W. Churchilla 1800/2, PSČ 130 00, Tel: +420 236 033 411, IČ: 70938393
Email: info @ ; www:; Datová schránka: 939ut2i